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Domaine Polette



The Polette vineyard created by the Cistercian monks in 1150 is found on the hillside overlooking the Saône, just a few kilometres from the Abbaye de Cîteaux. The vines have been flourishing here for over seven centuries, in earth made up of marl and deep clay.

Natural wine is the result of a philosophical choice, with the purpose of retrieving the natural essence of the land. It is made using grapes from Organic Farming, without the use of weedkiller, pesticides, fertiliser or any other synthetic products. The grapes are harvested manually and when making the wine, the winegrower makes sure to conserve the living nature of the wine. Come and discover the “blue”, “orange” and “purple” wines and the rosé wine with elderflower.

Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation.

Price & payment

White wine from €8.60
Red wine from €9.60.

Payments can be made in cash, by cheque or credit card.

Services and Facilities

  • Sales at the vineyard
  • Tours with a booking

Opening hours

The estate is open every day from 9am to 7pm.

Domaine Polette

16 route de Saint-Jean-de-Losne
21250 Pagny-le-Château

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